Relationships change in our lives. Growing up we may have experienced brothers or sisters being added to our family. Do you remember how you felt about a new brother or sister? If you were old enough when they were born, you may remember feeling excited, nervous, or jealous. If you were younger, you may only remember certain incidences where your feelings of happiness or jealousy were expressed. You may remember fighting over toys or over what TV show to watch. You may remember having a good time playing with your brother or sister. Recording your feelings will add a lot to your story.
Later in life when you choose someone to marry, how did you feel? Most people feel very excited about getting married. Some nervousness is also common. Did the nervousness go away after being married for a while or did it escalate and get worse possibly even ending in divorce?
When you had children, how did you feel? Usually, the birth of a child is a very exciting time, but it also can be a time of feeling inadequate and concerned about being up to the task of raising a child. What were the things you enjoyed most in raising your children? What were the most difficult things you encountered?
If you are a grandparent, how did you feel when you found out you were going to be a grandparent? How did you feel when you met your grandchild? What things do you most enjoy doing with your grandchildren? What things are hard to deal with as a grandparent?
Record your feelings about any other relationships. You could write about how you feel about being an aunt or uncle or a cousin. Even recording your feelings about friends will add a lot to your story. Your feelings will bring life to your story and make it more real than just the facts can do. Your feelings will make your story uniquely your own. Take time to record your feelings.