It seems to me that the years go by faster and faster. Another birthday just passed a few days ago for me. It seemed I hardly had time to think about it. I had a couple of friends ask for help with cleaning out some things from their homes so they had things better organized. We spent some time doing that. Our church held a clothing share and we helped sort, organize and display clothing. One of the businesses I work for held a Back-to-School Fashion Show, and we spent time helping prepare for and helping with the Fashion Show over and above my usual work hours. I have felt like time has just flown by. I haven't even had time to think about writing for this blog.
Does life ever seem that way to you? Some times just stopping to write down what has been happening can help. By writing down what you have done, you can see how much you have accomplished even though you weren't able to do everything you wanted to do. As each birthday passes by we are reminded of how short life really is. Taking time to write down what we have done can give us a realistic perspective on our lives.