It seems that every year school starts again sooner and sooner. Summer flies by. As a child I looked forward to going back to school in a lot of ways, but I was always nervous. I usually didn't sleep well the night before the first day. I would have nightmares that I overslept and missed the bus or that I got lost and couldn't find where my classes were. In elementary school I would be afraid to climb up the slide and slide down it or to climb on the jungle gym for the first few days, but gradually I would begin to lose my fear as I kept on trying. Now in my life it is sending my kids off to college and helping with deciding on classes, finding jobs and other more grownup needs.
What do you remember about going back to school? Were you excited or were you scared? Did your first day go well or did you forget something you needed or did you get lost? Write down what you remember about going back to school. It may be just the thing one of your grandchildren may need to hear.
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