Saturday, December 19, 2009

Advent Calendar--Christmas Shopping

When I was young we went Christmas shopping on one of the Saturdays that we were in the city fifteen miles from our home.  There were only a few stores to choose from.  A lot of my shopping was done at Woolsworth when I was young.  My sister was old enough to shop on her own.  My brother and I needed help so one parent would go with me and one would go with my brother.  They would help us pick out something that the other family members would like.  They would keep an eye out for each other and would steer us a different direction if we got too close to each other.  They would then see that we check out at different times so we couldn't see what the other was buying.  I'm sure my parents shopped at other times.  Sometimes they shopped through mail order catalogs.  Shopping can be exciting as you imagine the one you are buying the gift opening and enjoying the gift.  Sometimes it is overwhelming and discouraging.  There may be too many choices or there may not be enough money to get the gift you really want to give.  Some years when money is tight making gifts is the best option.  If you already have the supplies then you don't have to go shopping.   

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